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Tax Preparation Services

Preparing your own income tax return can be a task that leaves you with more questions than answers. According to a study released by the US Government’s General Accounting Office last year, most taxpayers (77% of 71 million taxpayers) believe they benefited from using a professional tax preparer.

Whether we like it or not, today’s tax laws are so complicated that filing a relatively simple return can be confusing. It is just too easy to overlook deductions and credits to which you are entitled. Even if you use a computer software program there’s no substitute for the assistance of an experienced tax professional.

Here’s what you get…


  • Your tax return will be checked and rechecked by our software to identify potential audit triggers and reviewing all calculations to limit possible IRS contacts.

  • Your tax return can be filed electronically so you will receive your refund faster.

  • We review tax returns from previous years and go over every possible deduction to maximize your return and/or minimize your liability. Many individuals overlook the tremendous benefits of depreciation of assets, which is just one of the many points we review prior to filing.

Books a mess? No problem! 

If you own a small business and haven’t kept up your bookkeeping, don’t worry. We can help you. We’ll prepare your bookkeeping for the year, as well as your personal income tax return. Then we will assist you in setting up and implementing Quickbooks for your accounting records if desired.

Small Business Tax Returns 

If you own a small business, there are many factors that you must take into account when filing your taxes. We will review your current situation and address the best solution in terms of what type of business entity you should file as. There are benefits and limitations to all different types of business entities. Our responsibility is to review and choose the best one for you. Our firm will incorporate your business in addition to filing your taxes.


Management Consulting

Owing businesses often reach a point where they need professional financial advice, but can’t afford a full-time CFO or controller. If you’re fortunate enough to be in this position then we have the perfect solution for you.

Our Part-Time CFO Service gives you a professional financial manager who works with you to help guide your business to the next level of success.

The cost of hiring a full-time CFO can range in high six figures per year plus bonuses and benefits.

Our Part-Time CFO Services provide you with the same, experienced support at a fraction of that cost.

Here’s what you get with our Part-Time CFO Services…

  • More time to focus on new services, new customers and other core business issues.

  • Better understanding of the financial side of your business. So you have less surprises and more control over the money.

  • Improved decision-making capabilities from clearly seeing the hard and true numbers of your business.

  • A readily available sounding board to help you with those tough business decisions and help you clarify your business plans.

  • A professional who establishes strong financial controls in your business to reduce employee theft and increase profits.

  • Training and managing your accounting staff.

  • Create a budget to provide:

    • Discipline and organization

    • Quantifiable way of measuring success, it is impossible to know how your business is doing without tracking it

    • Clear and concise visibility of where the business is heading

    • Visibility which will allow you to spot trends and see areas that can be improved before it becomes a problem

  • Create a customized management by objective (MBO) plan for your business by providing you a written plan.


A Strategic Business Plan is much more than a tool to obtain financing…

If you still have all your plans and ideas locked up inside your head, preparing a strategic plan helps you clarify your company’s direction, ensures your key leaders are all “on the same page,” and keeps both management and staff focused on the tasks at hand.

A Strategic Plan is often needed when…


  • Starting a new venture, product or service

  • Expanding a current organization, product or service

  • Buying a new business, product or service

  • Turning around a declining business


The Strategic Plan provides a blueprint, describing your company, its products, the competitive environment, management team, financial health, and business risks.



The plan allows you to…


  1. Identify and describe the target customer profile, features, advantages and benefits of your new venture, product or service.

  2. Justify that your plans are credible by fully researching the need being filled with your new venture.

  3. Develop marketing plans including full descriptions of targeted promotional campaigns with implementation timelines. You also get to examine market conditions, the nature of your customers, as well as your competitors, sales potential, and projected results of your promotional campaigns.

  4. Develop staffing plans including identifying the key players, skills, attitudes and expertise needed to build the venture.

  5. Develop management plans including full descriptions of management systems and timelines for implementation.

  6. Develop financial plans including projected startup costs, operating costs, revenue, profits, and break-even analysis for the first 3 to 5 years.


Projected financial plans allow you to effectively predict upcoming problems, or prevent them. In other words, the perspective gained through your Strategic Business Plan can make a significant contribution to your company’s success, and help you get the funding you require. In fact, most lending institutions and private investors will not even talk to you without a solid financial plan.


Thinking of owning your own business?

A methodical plan of action is needed to fulfill your dream or goal of being your own boss and running a successful business. Success lies in the approach you choose to take. We help you avoid the common pitfalls that many new small business owners make when starting their new venture.

We can help and guide you…

  • Prepare an initial business plan to clarify your marketing, management, and financial plans.

  • Determine your start-up capital needs.

  • Identify sources of start-up capital and backup sources if needed.

  • Select a business structure that best fits your needs by evaluating tax advantages, legal exposure, ease of operation and portability should you need to relocate.

  • Select the right accounting software by evaluating your budget, needs and hardware.

  • Prepare a Cash Flow Budget so you know exactly how much money you need to keep the business alive each month for the first few years. Unplanned cash requirements are always emotionally painful.

  • Establish billing and collection procedures to maximize your cash flow.

  • Establish procedures to monitor and control costs.

  • Setup a home office so you can maximize your tax deductions.

  • Prepare and file all required state and local licenses and permits.

  • Prepare and file your application for your Federal Employer Identification Number.

  • Provide payroll and payroll tax filing when you bring on your first employee.

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